A few weeks ago, my friend shared some online deal for these devices ballet dancers can put in their pointe shoes so that their toes don’t hurt so much. I
was going to make some snarky comment about gross sore toes, and then I
remembered that my sport of choice, this year alone, has given me a broken
wrist, a smashed up face, abscesses the size of half-dollars on my ass and a
concussion. Not all at the same time.
So, yeah, I got a pretty nasty concussion last month going down on a
patch of night ice about a hundred miles north of home, was laid out on the couch for a week and got out of the
habit of blogging. I’ll see if I can get back into the swing of it, because I
do kind of enjoy screaming into the void.
In the meantime, I've done a few rides and a few races that weren't complete disasters, and have big plans for 2015.